Oil Soluble vs Water Soluble Vitamins
You’ve heard that some vitamins are water soluble and others are oil soluble, sure, but why is that important, what do you do with that information, and what does it really mean??
First lets identify which vitamins we’re talking about there are only 4 vitamins that are oil soluble. The rest are water soluble. So it’s a whole lot easier to remember only these 4. So what are they? A, D, E, and K. I remember it by thinking of LemonADE.
Ok so now that we know which ones we’re talking about why is that important? The water soluble vitamins - all the others B1, B12, Folic acid, etc are processed by the body and most any excess is removed via urine. These water soluble vitamins are typically replaced by the food you consume. Very rarely do toxic levels of water soluble Vitamins accumulate.
Oil soluble vitamins are dissolved with dietary fat and absorbed by fat globules and then absorbed into your bloodstream. Excess oil soluble vitamins can be excreted via feces or stored in the liver and in adipose tissue for future use. Because they are not excreted, they CAN accumulate to toxic levels if taken in excess.
Vitamins in general can interact with other medications or complicate existing health conditions. Always consult with a trusted medical professional before beginning any vitamins and determine if your body currently needs vitamin supplementation. Always list any over-the-counter medications you take as well as any prescription medications.
Source: VeryWellHealth.com and PrecisionNutrition.com